Rabbi Love Ministry
Rabbi Love Ministry

Rabbi Love Ministry

Prayer Line: 1-518-906-1825

Our mission is to serve the children of Jesus Christ to provide spiritual and physical needs. RLIM is here to help all those in need through our father Jesus Christ.

(RLIM) is to provide care for the helpless. God has put this ministry together for a reason he gave all of us wisdom and advice to us to start our mission, ​ our mission is to help those who can't help themselves. This reason he had put all of us together because it's a dream we share, but didn't understand the way it was suppose to be, but we have working from that dream and put our in this position to gave and help finding out where it's need and how it's going in the right way, we are not preach but we are here for advice, if you need them and the only way we can gave you the great advice is through the bible. ​ People when God has put something in your heart there is a reason no matter the way it looks don't tuning back.
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